No. I’m not a lawyer and for your benefit, I will not act like one. I strongly encourage everyone involved in litigation to hire a professional who specializes in this area of law. You really want a Family Lawyer with about 10 years of experience. Ask them about the cases they’ve handled, how many have gone to trial and how they handled them. Ask for them to share stories of similar cases and how they handled them.

Yes, it would be our pleasure to help you find proper legal representation. Without a good lawyer, men are chewed up and spit out in this process.

If you don’t want to lose your children or refuse to be a punching bag, then hire us. I know more about mudslinging than your wife’s lawyer. He’s a pussy who will pretend to bully you to impress her while running up the bill in hopes that you’ll be stuck paying it. He has to live the bar association’s rules. I only live by the laws of the land and I’ve brought many lawyers to their knees when they’ve attacked me as well as those I’ve advised in this insane process. When we’re done fucking with that asshole, he’ll beg you to forget his name. True, but it won’t be cheap, and yes, it’s 100% legal.

I have plans on the services page or contact us for a custom package.

You’re in a battle that will be all encompassing and as a man, you’re already at a disadvantage. You may also may need help channeling your energy and time elsewhere. You need someone who has walked in your shoes and will tell you when you’re making good decisions with long-term thinking or when you’re being short sighted and need to check yourself. The lawyer guides your legal strategy, but you have personal, financial, health and professional obligations that need the proper attention. If you get sucked into this process, they can all be negatively impacted. Politicians have consultants. Even the best athletes have coaches and consultants. Titans of business have them too. Why not you?

I don’t know. I’ve got over 12 years of experience with the Divorce Industrial Complex, and over two decades of experience in business and politics. Lots of friends, family members and colleagues seek my advice on these issues and have thanked me for sharing my experience and wisdom that helped them get the results they desired. I’m not a soothsayer or an attorney, but I am passionate about helping people avoid problems in family law matters and I’m confident that I can help most people consider options to better their future by leveraging my experiences.

I consult nationwide and my experience is from the family courts in Florida, but I’ve done extensive research over the years. All states have unique laws, but they are based on a federal framework and a few international treaties our politicians were dumb enough to sign. Either way, the laws and the courts do not benefit men, which is why you need someone by your side helping to strategize with you and an attorney to advise on the legal aspects.

I’m honest. I’m experienced and I care. I’m still going through this process, and I’ve made case law when I fight the system. Sometimes I win and sometimes I lose. I’ve also helped to expose corruption on the bench on several occasions. You can either benefit from these experiences or find out the hard way why I wish I had a divorce consultant by my side since the beginning.

Hire a good divorce lawyer who specializes in family law. Find A Lawyer – https://lawyers.findlaw.com/lawyer/practice/family-law