Don't Be Her Punching Bag!
Don't Let Her Defeat You!
Are you seeking to protect your children?
Has your Divorce gone off the rails?
Is your Divorce costing you too much?
Welcome to the Political Divorce Consultant.

I’ve been a political consultant advising politicians and organizations for statewide and national campaigns for over 25 years, but when I filed for divorce, I was blindsided by the levels of unethical, unprofessional, and corrupt individuals I encountered.


Our “judicial” system is broken and mired in corruption. The Constitution is completely ignored.


Men are treated like criminals for simply showing up and women are always treated like victims.

No matter how smart, how rich, how good looking you think you are, you’re not ready for the Divorce Industrial Complex and how it will seek to destroy you.


They’ll chew you up and spit you out like they have done to thousands of other men all across the nation and that’s why I’m here to help you fight back and hopefully provide a strategy to save money on legal fees and help you consider every decision that will come your way in your case, your life and in your career.


This is a process where slimy attorneys get rich off of your misery and you’re the one who is going to pay with your health, your wealth and your sanity unless you have the right battle plan. I’ll leverage my life experiences and my continuous hell in family court so you can avoid the same path.

Divorces Per Year Per CDC
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Read 3 Things a Divorce Consultant Could Have Saved Me 6 Figures in My Family Law Case

Who is "The Political Divorce Consultant"?

I can be your Karl Rove, David Axelrod, Phil Jackson, Don Shula or your consigliere like Tom Hagen.  That choice is yours.


I can advise you.


Help you consider the pros and cons.


Show you how this process will defeat you, impact your bank account, your health, and your career.


I can also teach you to overcome this misery and come out better on the other side.


However, I will not be your attorney and I insist you hire great legal representation.


In a nutshell, I’m going to use my experience of being a victim of the Divorce Industrial Complex for over 12 years, combined with my over two decades of political consulting experience, to help you avoid the mistakes, pitfalls and obstacles that I and so many others have experienced.


When they jab, I’ll teach you to throw the knockout punch.

Bryan Rudnick

What Clients Say About Me

With Bryan on your side, it’s like you have the MacGyver and Lebron James of Strategy on your team! He kept me from making so many mistakes. I’m grateful!
Michael B
Former NFL Player
I shared my concerns with Bryan before signing a settlement agreement. He explained his situation to me and helped me realize I was making a big mistake that could harm my children. Bryan gave me ideas to discuss with my lawyer and she agreed they were helpful. Thanks to Bryan, I should be avoiding years of misery.
Darren S
Father and businessman
From the moment I told Bryan I was getting divorced, he walked me through pitfalls to avoid and even helped me think through a plan for a quick settlement. She agreed to it right away too! He was a great sounding board and his advice was always spot on. Even when my attorney couldn’t see the problems, Bryan pointed them out to me first.
Jeremy A
Father and Businessman

How I Help

After you purchase one of my plans, we’ll start the discovery process. We’ll have calls to review your concerns and I’ll do my best to answer your questions. I’ll share some of my experiences with you and help warn you about the pitfalls.


The more we talk and I get to know your situation, the more we can leverage my experiences, my wisdom and my team to help guide you, but at all times, we’ll encourage you to seek out a lawyer for legal advice. Most importantly, I’ll teach you to never bring a knife to a gun fight. With me by your side, you’ll have a bazooka.

Divorce Strategy

Most divorces are bitter and are rarely resolved with a small amount of money. If there’s going to be a fight over kids, money or decision-making, there’s no one who will  live up to a guarantee for a “collaborative” or “amicable” divorce.  


The lawyers are incentivized to have your misery pay for their golf membership, vacation and retirement. You need someone who can point out the lies and help you consider the best options. My experiences can guide you.

Media Consulting

If you and your soon to be ex-spouse are members of the community or are involved with high profile businesses, it may be essential that you consider the PR impact. My experiences can guide you.

Custody Issues

Custody issues can be nastier than a campaign for U,S. Senate and more grueling than Navy SEAL Hell Week training. If you want to make sure you remain a highly involved parent, then call me and let’s get what you and your children deserve—a loving father in their life forever. Don’t settle for short term gains.


You need to be in this for the long term fight and I can help you prepare and strategize for it. Raising your children should be done on your terms you’re your values. Don’t let their mother, her attorney or the court force anything else on you or remove you from their lives.

Divorce Consultant FAQs

No. I’m not a lawyer and for your benefit, I will not act like one. I strongly encourage everyone involved in litigation to hire a professional who specializes in this area of law. You really want a Family Lawyer with about 10 years of experience. Ask them about the cases they’ve handled, how many have gone to trial and how they handled them. Ask for them to share stories of similar cases and how they handled them.

Yes, it would be our pleasure to help you find proper legal representation. Without a good lawyer, men are chewed up and spit out in this process.

If you don’t want to lose your children or refuse to be a punching bag, then hire us. I know more about mudslinging than your wife’s lawyer. He’s a pussy who will pretend to bully you to impress her while running up the bill in hopes that you’ll be stuck paying it. He has to live the bar association’s rules. I only live by the laws of the land and I’ve brought many lawyers to their knees when they’ve attacked me as well as those I’ve advised in this insane process. When we’re done fucking with that asshole, he’ll beg you to forget his name. True, but it won’t be cheap, and yes, it’s 100% legal.

I have plans on the services page or contact us for a custom package.

You’re in a battle that will be all encompassing and as a man, you’re already at a disadvantage. You may also may need help channeling your energy and time elsewhere. You need someone who has walked in your shoes and will tell you when you’re making good decisions with long-term thinking or when you’re being short sighted and need to check yourself. The lawyer guides your legal strategy, but you have personal, financial, health and professional obligations that need the proper attention. If you get sucked into this process, they can all be negatively impacted. Politicians have consultants. Even the best athletes have coaches and consultants. Titans of business have them too. Why not you?

If you don’t want to lose your children or refuse to be a punching bag, then hire us. I know more about mudslinging than your wife’s lawyer. He’s a pussy who will pretend to bully you to impress her while running up the bill in hopes that you’ll be stuck paying it. He has to live by the bar association’s rules. I only live by the laws of the land and I’ve brought many lawyers to their knees when they’ve attacked me as well as those I’ve advised in this insane process. When we’re done fucking with that asshole, he’ll beg you to forget his name. True, but it won’t be cheap, and yes, it’s 100% legal.

I consult nationwide, and my personal experience is from the family courts in Florida, but I’ve done extensive research over the years on what men should know, expect, and act on as they go through this awful process. Either way, in my experience, the laws do not benefit men, which is why you need someone by your side helping to consult and strategize with you in addition to your attorney, who will advise you on the legal aspects. All states have unique laws, which is another reason you need to have an attorney who is a member of the bar in your state (and that’s not me).

I’m honest. I’m experienced and I care. I’m still going through this process, and I’ve made case law when I fight the system. Sometimes I win and sometimes I lose. I’ve also helped to expose corruption on the bench on several occasions. You can either benefit from these experiences or find out the hard way why I wish I had a divorce consultant by my side since the beginning.